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The Difference Between Personalized Medicine and Traditional Medicine

The Difference Between Personalized Medicine and Traditional Medicine

Medicine is the practice that helps you with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of medical problems and diseases. Traditional medicine focuses on the disease and its symptoms, not the individual patient; however, your body may not react the same to specific treatments as someone else with the same symptoms or condition.

Personalized medicine, on the other hand, takes your genetics into consideration to focus treatments on your specific needs. Dr. Inga Zilberstein,  an expert in obstetrics and gynecology, is excited to offer personalized medicine with state-of-the-art treatments at her office in the Upper East Side of Manhattan, New York.

About traditional medicine

Traditional medicine has been around since the beginning of time; it's the constant development of treatments and diagnostic tools to prevent diseases from occurring and to keep people with medical conditions as healthy as possible. It aims to diagnose, treat, and prevent illness for a large population.

Traditional medicine offers a one-size-fits-all approach. For instance, if you have an infection, your doctor prescribes one of several antibiotics to clear up the problem. Or if you have high blood pressure, your doctor recommends the same lifestyle changes and medications that they prescribe other patients with hypertension.

While traditional medicine works for most people, it may take a few treatments, diagnostic tests, or medication trials to get you where you need to be. This is because your own body's specific DNA and genetics set you apart from everyone else.

About personalized medicine

Personalized medicine, also called precision medicine, aims to provide you with specialized treatments that fit your needs. Dr. Zilberstein uses your specific genetic information to influence the best treatments and medications for your body. 

Everyone's genetics are unique, meaning their body responds differently to medications. For example, you could benefit from gene-specific cancer treatments.

Genetics influence your health and can inform doctors about your chances of developing certain conditions. This information helps Dr. Zilberstein create a customized health care plan and personalized treatments to keep your health on track. For example, knowing your body’s hormone levels is particularly useful for women using hormone replacement therapy.

Understanding the differences between the two

The main difference between traditional and personalized medicine is how personalized medicine is tailored to your body’s health and needs.

Traditional medicine is widely used among people of all ages and all walks of life. Doctors use its broad therapies and diagnostic tools to treat common problems patients face. However, traditional medicine doesn't recognize an individual's genetic profile, which influences overall health and wellness.

Personalized medicine is a more precise way of treating and diagnosing problems within your body. It's not generalized; it's specifically tailored to your symptoms and DNA to provide the most optimal outcomes.

Based on the information gained from highly specific and quantitative testing results, Dr. Zilberstein uses your genetic makeup to determine the best treatments for your body. It's a more specific medical practice that allows medical treatments and diagnostics to fit individual needs instead of a vast population.

Call or text our team today to discuss personalized medicine with Inga Zilberstein, MD, or request an appointment online using the booking tool on this website.

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